3 Types of Outdoor Stairs Suitable for Aluminum Stair Nosing Installation


Aluminium Stair Nosing Alusite


For aluminum stair edging that protects the stair edges from being chipped or broken, we can use it to match the stair type. For more suitability and durability, it is recommended for three types of outdoor stairs where aluminum stair nosing should be installed. We will share techniques to choose easy-to-install and easy-to-maintain aluminum stair nosing.


  1. Steel Stairs

Stair characteristics: Metallic, a straight design that is strong and durable.

Installation area: Entrance to the house from the outside, in an outward-protruding manner.

Stair nosing type: Angled, aluminum in silver.

Reason: Angled aluminium stair nose is compatible with most projects and can easily be installed on steel stairs. It helps reduce rust and accidents from steel that may protrude from the staircase.


  1. Ceramic Stairs

Stair characteristics: Ceramic tile stairs with a glossy finish and varying patterns.

Installation area: Outside areas such as the house or garage entrances.

Stair nosing type: Tile stair nosing in Silver or Gold.

Reason: External stairs are made from ceramic materials or tiles suitable for stair-nosing installation. Besides being beautiful, it reduces the chance of cracking or chipping tile edges.


  1. Granite Stairs

Stair characteristics: Made from thick, natural-looking granite.

Installation area: Seaside properties at the house entrance on the first or second floors.

Stair nosing type: Tiled stair nosing in Bronze or Silver.

Reason: Granite stairs are most suitable with a tile stair nosing than aluminum because it is beautiful and has all the features to protect the stair edges from chipping or causing accidents.


Choosing the Right Stair Nosing for Exterior and Interior Stairs

  • For exterior or outdoor stairs, the stair noses must withstand the sun and rain and always be stepped. It would be best if you opted for aluminum stair nosing and anti-slip stair nosing suitable for materials such as concrete, stone, tiles, etc.
  • For interior or indoor stairs, the stair noses must withstand always being stepped on. It would be best if you opted for anti-slip stair nosing suitable that helps protect tile corners, or fluorescent nosing or ceramic nosing can be appropriate alternatives.