Articlesround trim Alusite

4 Secrets That Homeowners Don’t Know, The Reasons Why Technicians Choose Round Tile Trim from Alusite?


round trim Alusite

Round aluminum tile trim from Alusite is used for tile edge protection while providing safety with a rounded design.

Even though round tile trim is a tool that maybe even homeowners don’t have time to examine, did you know that buying the right, well-designed wall tile edges will have you save a substantial amount of money, save material usage, and ensure the final products come out neat and easy-to-install?

So what is at the heart of why the round tile trim from Alusite is different from others? Today, Alusite will share 4 secrets that homeowners don’t know, while uncovering why technicians choose to use Alusite curved tile trim.

1. Alusite’s wall tile edge is designed to have an ‘open hole’ for filling the mortar during installation  That’s going to make edging very durable and doesn’t dent if there are hard impact after installed

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                                                                 (Alusite designed to have an ‘open hole’ for filling the mortar)

Firstly, Alusite intentionally designed the floor tile edge to be an ‘open’ type – how is this design more effective than other types, let’s see:

1.1) If the hollow is filled with mortar, it will significantly enhance durability.

1.2) When a hard impact occurs after installation, such as using a wheelchair or being hit by a hard object, Alusite’s floor tile edge will only scratch. but won’t collapse or dent.

1.3) There will be fewer problems with dismantling or repairing new tiles. Additionally, switching tile trim will be simple due to dents or breaks.

Alusite’s patented open design differs from that of other round tile trim designs on the market. Other designs are that of a Close Version that covers all sides are more problematic when compared with Alusite products.

Alusite’s patented open design differs from that of other round tile trim designs on the market. Other designs are that of a Close Version that covers all sides are more problematic when compared with Alusite products.

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                                                                                 (Close Version design of another brand)


The Close Version design might seem strong, but it is easily damaged due to unfilled hollow, thus leading to dents and collapses once hit by solid objects. Ensuing problems go beyond post-installation damage, other problems include:

  • Tile trims can’t simply be changed, but requires demolishment and changing the tiles in part that has been laid over.
  • When tiles require changing, finding tiles of the same color can be tricky, even if it is the same model – Color may vary due to the different tile production lots. 
  • Contractors rarely want to do small jobs because they can’t justify a cheap price, they can’t be expensive, and it might cause trouble for the homeowner.

Should you choose to buy Alusite’s round tile trim, these problems are less likely to occur as they have an Open Design that allows for additional mortar during installation.

2. Alusite’s round tile trim is designed to ‘fit’ the height of the trim to standard tiles – this causes less mortar waste during installation.

Alusite round trim

For the second secret, many people wonder how general tile trim is usually designed to have a height higher than the tile to reserve the area below for the addition of mortar.

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Choosing to use a tile trim that is designed in such a way as to allow space for this kind of mortar. In addition to wasting mortar, it also increases the risk of cavitation, which has a chance that the tiles will crack. Therefore, it requires highly skilled technicians to lay the tiles.

While the advantage of Alusite’s round tile trim is that the height of the trim is designed to ‘fit’ with the standard tile. It can help both the homeowner and help increase the choice of technicians to install more easily. Which has both direct and indirect advantages, let’s look at them further:

2.1) Saves Mortar

When choosing to use adhesive mortar for tiling, choosing to use Alusite’s products will you to use tiles that will fit straight away – no need for mortar below thus saving mortar in the process.

2.2) Eliminates the problem of Air Cavitation

The risk of cavitation inside is lower when the thickness of the tile trim and the tile are equal. There is no need for thick mortar because having to use thicker mortar increases the risk of cavities under the tiles. If you’ve ever walked on a tiled floor and heard a clear sound coming from the floor, that’s it hollow that are ready to burst at any moment whenever there is a solid impact.

2.3) Makes it easier to lay tiles

When you choose to use Alusite trims and lay the tiles with adhesive mortar, it will be very easy to lay. Because it is not a complicated method like traditional laying which uses mortar to lay together with stretching a level gauge to knock the tiles evenly.


However, if the homeowner or mechanic chooses to use cement instead of using mortar for the traditional tiling method, it is vital to leave an area below for the mortar. You can still do the same by purchasing wall tile edges from Alusite that has a size higher than the thickness of the tile itself.

3. Alusite’s round tile trim is purposefully asymmetrical to complement modern designs

When it comes to tiling, we understand that homeowners want the tile’s beauty to stand out more than the tile trim. Therefore, the design of Alusite’s round aluminum tile trim was designed such the way of un-symmetric design. By using this design method, the curvature is not all rounded but the design of the side is straight and the middle section is curved- thus encouraging the design to be more beautiful and more modern.

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                                                                              (Red section is straight, Blue Section is curved)

4. Round tile trim from Alusite has an export-ready-standard production process, so there is no visible Die Line on the surface.

Mold lines that appear on the surface of the tile trim are another important factor that affects the overall beauty of the tiling. At Alusite, we care about both quality and beauty, our production process has an export-ready-standard production process which makes the skin of the tile trim smooth and does not show a die line on the surface.

round trim of Alusite

                                                                    (Compare round tile trim about Alusite with another brand)

Today, Alusite has shared four tips and tricks for homeowners that would like to use tile trim. If you ever want to use that for any of your projects, don’t forget about Alusite‘s round tile trim! That’s because we emphasize both the quality and beauty of all our products – components that are vital for both homeowners – for more product information, click here.