ArticlesStraight Tile Trim Alusite

5 reasons why Alusite’s Straight Tile Trim stands out and is favoured by contractors

Straight Tile Trim Alusite

Straight tile trim or straight edge tile trim, also known as L-shaped tile trim is a type of material used to cover straight wall tile corners while also being able to be used as a dividing line of 2 floors. The material can be bent which makes tiling work more easier. Additionally, tile trim is designed to be used with various materials with varying styles. Today, we’ll introduce 5 unique characteristics of Alusite straight tile trim that makes it a favourite amongst contractors.

1.Asymmetrical, modern design

Alusite’s straight tile trim is designed to be “asymmetrical” in an L-shape, although this design does not affect the usability but with the traditional symmetrical tile trim, it will look like a large square thus making the tile work look old-fashioned. Therefore, changing to use Alusite’s L-shaped, straight tile trim makes the work more beautiful and modern.

2.Elegant and luxurious

Generally, the top surface of the straight edge tile trim will have a “streak” appearance due to the manufacturing process that produces a visible “Die Line” – but that won’t be the case with Alusite’s straight tile trim. This is because we have designed a new mold that smoothens and shines the top surface for a more luxurious-looking finish – a signature trait of Alusite products.

3.The ideal height that is more economical

Alusite’s straight tile trim is designed to fit tile height making it suitable for use with cement mortar, which will help reduce mortar waste and the chances of air cavitation that is synonymous with tile work that has been laid with regular mortar. Additionally, using tile trim that actually fits will result in a neater finish.

4.Designed to showcase the tile’s beauty

Originally, tile trims are used to protect tile edges from being damaged or chipped due to impact from heavy objects. Alusite’s straight tile trim is designed to fit without standing out, Alusite tile trim helps showcase the beauty of tiles to the fullest which differs from other products on the market that overshadow the tile’s beauty.

5.Multifunctionality of 5 usages in 1

Another reason why Alusite straight tile trim has become a favorite among builders and contractors is because it is a tiled eyebrow that has “multipurpose” functionality, whether it is used in the form of a corner cover for straight wall tiles, straight tile finisher, space dividing line – it can be used to bend tiles or even protect tile edges from impact. If you try to count it, you can see that the tile trim alone gives users up to 5 functions in one product.

Straight Trim Alusite

To summarize, Alusite’s straight tile trim is unique in its design that is quite modern. This causes the tile trim to protect tile edges from being chipped or broken. It also helps enhance the beauty of tile work. Straight tile trim also offers multifunctional benefits as a straight tile corner finisher, a straight tile finisher or a curved tile cutter as well.